Or the Beginning of the End?

I always knew my time here was limited. More than a year, less than five, I figured. A
million ‘creatives’ (mostly bullshit hipsters and trust fund babies) fucked up
Berlin; they came, they saw, they drove up rents, they left. I bought some of their furniture on their way
out. I suppose it was folly to move to a place
where all of my education and years of professional experience add up to a
medium pot of piss in a sea of wannabes willing to do what I do for beer money. I still did it, hell yes, and I did it My
Way, mutha fucka.
I’m not gone yet, but it feels like it out here in
Schiessedorf, the name I coined for the Shit
Village in which I now reside after
the fallout from leaving the overpriced barn I rented from the Polish farm animals in P’berg. I ALMOST got a flat
right down the street from where I was.
I had all of Zee Papers and shit, and then it all fell apart. The fucker didn’t meet me at the bank for the deposit transfer (he didn't want my 1500 EUR I guess) nor did
he answer phone calls or emails. Let’s
just call him König Deutschbag. Plan
B: Scheissedorf. It fell in our laps like a cold beer. After one month of daily searching, we got Scheissedorf. I’m only here for three
months. Then…?
It’s peaceful out here in Scheissedorf if you are a corpse
type looking for that sort of thing.
There are about 5 restaurants and bars within 10 square kilometers of
here and two of them have boards in the windows and for sale signs outside. I could be already dead. People cross the street when I shamble down
the broken sidewalks. I look and feel
ghastly and ghoulish most of the time. I
saw a couple of androgynous Goth individuals in long black coats gliding down
the street.
BUT HEY!!! I’m a digital nomad. I’ve just decided. I don’t have to stay in Berlin,
learn German, compete with all the low waged locals AND
get rampant discrimination from Zee Paper Nazis. Nosirree, Bob! I can do what I do from
anywhere in the world with an internet connection. I write. I do websites. I take purty pitchers
n stuff. So if I can’t find a flat in a
decent area of Berlin during my
Scheissedorf limbo, I’ll just take my camera, laptop, my trusty donkey and
lance, and take a flying fuck at the next windmill.
Because that’s what you do.