Two Little Assholes and One Big Mouth
Berliners will crash into you on crowded public transport
without a single fucking ‘entschuldigung.’ Get used to it. Fuck knows I’m trying. You can blame the big city and you can blame
the stars and Mars and whatever. Dump a
heat wave on a slow moving tram, jam it full of people and shake it.
I’m not the asshole who stands in the doorway of the tram
with a large suitcase blocking people trying to get in. That would be the Deutschbag. Me, I try to move further into the tram with
my big suitcase in tow. I am not always
traveling with a big suitcase, but if I am it is most certainly full of
Berliner jelly donuts--or camera gear going to/from an out-of-town photo shoot.
I had just spent the last 6 hours on a sweltering hot train
trip from Prague which should have
taken 5 hours and most definitely should have been air conditioned. All of the previous train trips were (air
conditioned; most certainly not on time).
It was 11pm in the hottest and
most humid night I can remember since 1966 when I was stuck in a Saigon
hell hole and received a bamboo shank in the neck which facilitated my rebirth
into yet another level of hell.
I digress. Enter
asshole number one: German female pushing
her way onto the tram (normally I wouldn’t refer to a female as an asshole, but
what issued forth shortly after our chance encounter can only be described as a
load of scheisse being forced out of
a very spastic orifice), pushing ahead of the crowd. Seeing her impatience, I tried to move my
large self and my suitcase deeper into the sweltering tube of crowded hell in
order to make room. My efforts were
repaid in kind by two hands beating my sides like Rocky training on a side of
beef. I turned to survey the impatient
Deutschbagette. “Where are you
going? There’s no space!” It was
true. If I moved one centimeter forward
I would be tip deep in someone’s ass. And a
dude’s no less. She kept pushing on my
back. I told her to chill out. She wouldn’t.
“I don’t want to chill out! Fuck you and your fucking
koffer!” She then jumped up on my
suitcase, walked over the top of it and dropped down on my feet in front of
me. Clearly this woman was mentally ill. I was exhausted and about as close to a heat
stroke as a 286 lb dude can be without a rebirth or a reboot. I tried on my best Berliner Schnauze in the face of obvious insanity: “Are you ok?
Alles gut now?”
“YES!!!” the crazy bitch screamed. “I doubt it,” I replied.
Enter Asshole number two:
“THAT’S MY GIRLFRIEND!” in an American accent.
Me: “OK.”
Asshole number two:
(German tram youth echoing):
“Shut da fuck up, shut da fuck up.
Hee hee.”
Me (to self): very
funny, German yoots, but you are not helping.
Asshole number two: “SHUT
I gave him the smirk I give to every Chihuahua
who barks at the Big Dog. It was kind of
sad. Asshole number two was about 5 foot
9, 50 years old, scrawny with long, grayish hippy hair. The only thing this pussy could fuck up was
his morning joint roll. I was exhausted
and in shock. His retarded girlfriend
had just beat my sides and jumped over me to be close to her asshole. I am not one to interfere with assholes in
love, so I let it slide.
I stood there on the 100 degree tram stewing in my own
juices (literally) and thinking about what needed to be said:
Dude, clearly I
understand the situation. This here
ugly, mentally retarded bitch of yours is all you can get and you are lucky to
have her. I got between you and your
stupid bitch and you needed to monkey up and howl at me. I admire the fact that you spun around and
never stopped screaming at me even though you MUST have seen that I am double
your size and could crush you without even half trying. You are only following your simian psyche and
I suppose I can respect that. But what you don’t know is that I’ve been taking
shit from bigger assholes than you my entire life. As I got older, the assholes got bigger. Some of them gathered in threes in London alleys and jumped me. Some of them jumped me from behind and kicked
my legs out from under me in the Prague
snow and kicked my ribs in while I was down.
Others, a select few who were brave enough to look me in the face, got
my full wrath. One of them got a broken
nose with a geyser of blood. Another
(your exact size and weight) was lifted off his feet and bounced so hard off
the ground that he slid-slammed into a door--I thought I was in a cartoon. Bitches didn’t get up. Word.

And if only to keep another pair of stupid Berlin
monkeys from breeding. But I suppose you
already have. Enjoy your Hartz IV
careers, assholes.