I left our local pub after 10pm
on a Saturday night in order to get some supplies to get us through the
weekend. You see, in Germany,
some dumb fucks decided that we can’t buy things on Sundays. I didn’t have my usual grocery backpack with
me when we went to the pub, so I was ill equipped to deal with shopping. ‘I’ll have to buy one of those plastic bags
to carry the shit home,’ I said. ‘Why?’
she said. I explained: ‘I can’t be
carrying beer, wine, booze and breakfast in my arms through the throngs of
punks parked outside of Rewe on a Saturday night. It’s a gauntlet I’m getting too old to run.’

I grabbed my basket and proceeded to shop for the German
Sunday tornado shelter situation. Right
away I noticed a small flood of water pooling from one of the frozen food
containers. A punk and his punk princess
trudged Docs through water, splashing.
Shouts and laughs. I continued
and saw broken six packs of beer bottles lying in the aisles, various smashed
soft drink bottles, a pink pool of yogurt oozing from a dropped package and
generally no staff members whatsoever interested in the idea of cleanup. I passed staff members stocking shelves,
counting inventory, generally looking bored and underpaid as is custom for
unskilled labor in a post-communist, pre-divided city like Berlin. ‘CLEAN UP! AISLES 4, 5 AND 7!!!’ screamed
through the imaginary store speaker in my ex-American mind. Instead, store jazz/elevator music gave us
the grand soundtrack for the Evening of Anarchy. I made several passes through the aisles of
dropped food and drink to be sure. Nope,
nobody gave a flying fuck.

We all met at the front in a desperate mass. There were only two cashiers ready to handle
the chaos. One of them closed his
register and skulked away. Pussy. There are only 20 or 30 of us freaks
here. We only want our
That’s what you do when you have a store full of freaks after 10pm on a Saturday night in Berlin. You close the fucking register. I won’t quote everyone in the massive line at
the suddenly single register, but the word ‘scheisse’ figured prominently. That and one dude who kept making horse
sounds with his lips. And muttering
‘Deutschland’ in exasperated tones. But
that could be from the football month going on.
I got to the front of the line. The single remaining cashier called for help
on the store mic twice to no avail. It
was Him vs. The Freaks. He said
something to the aging freak in front of me.
The guy slammed his back pack on the checker’s table and pounded it with
his hands. Then he lifted his arms and
slowly spun around in a mock frisk ritual he must have been overly familiar
with his whole life. Beep, beep, pause,
beep and the groceries slipped and slid away.