The Dunkin' Berliner Rolls South to Prague; Gathers No Moss
In case you were missing a dose of my usual silly-ass bitching (Brit Eng: humourous whinging), you may find my lardy ass at my new blog, which promises to share all the travel stories which barely fit into a standard airline seat at:
Now GO.
Monday, December 7, 2015
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
This Is The End
The desk fan goes whuppa whuppa whuppa in the humid Berlin bog. I take my donuts in my left hand and prepare to leave the place where thousands have come and gone before. I stuff them in my mouth, verily, one at a time, in remembrance of Berlin. The thousands first, then the donuts. I am voracious.
Where? The Next. The next cheap place where creative people go to piss about and throw fairy dust at the sky while waiting for the wrecking ball. We won't be assimilated. There was a respectable time in human history wherein one could live and die in fields or coal mines. Now there is only the sad promise of a sad cubicle in a sad office space. Moving up? Nosir. Moving down. Give me black lung disease, motherfucker. At least my body will die before my brain.
The Next Place will have donuts. Yes, they will be the death of me, but I choose a glorious, deep-fried, jelly-filled sugar coma. Alcohol will be my anesthesiologist. He's the only one I trust. I will go there, to The Next Place, and start another blog.
Maybe it will be titled something like Notes of an Old Fart. I'm pushing 50. It would be a good time to give up the donuts and go for the laxatives.
This is the end, my friend.
But only of my life in Berlin. In the past 20 years in England, Ireland, Czech Republic and Germany, it has always been a bit unsettling when The Big Change comes round. Then I settle in. Then I move on.
There will be other lives in other cities.
Saturday, June 20, 2015
A Rolling Donut Gathers No Moss
Dunkin' Berliner's Last Few Weeks In Berlin
The time has come. This is The End, my
friend. Leaving Berlin. There, I've said it. I'm not the first and
I'm not the last. Every year I proclaim This Is My Last Year and
then I stay. Six and one half of them have come and gone. 1492
donuts have gone down my tubes (probably more, I don't really count)
and I am none the wiser. Perhaps donuts aren't brain food after all.
I'm waiting for the pendulums of science and medicine to swing in my
favor, much in the way that in one decade they declared that
chocolate and wine will kill you, then turn right on around and say
the same killers will now feed your brain and libido and you will
live and love long time. Science is a fickle bitch, so I wait for
her to tell me to eat three donuts per day.
I haven't posted much recently because
I saw The End coming and I was numb. Mostly from drinking wine and
waiting for the veritas. Haven't found much. Gentrification sucks,
as always, mainly because the rents go up and the wages do not. What
was once a cheap, barren, sandy beach for feckless, creative nomads
(like me) is now fertile soil for money trees. Trustafarians and
hipsters take the places of the old guard. They are multiplying and
growing to fuse into one large beardbeast. There are now even
subgroups within the hipster underworld, the most hilarious of the
bunch being dubbed Lumbersexuals.
Those are the ones, usually German, who wear blue jeans, hiking
boots and red plaid shirts in addition to the ubiquitous big black
glasses and beards. I'm guessing that Lumbersexual is a mashup of
lumberjack and metrosexual. Perhaps they were cut out of the Woody
Allen Sexcapade film featuring the room with the man getting it on
with a large rye bread. Perhaps the Lumbersexual was next door
having rough sex with rough wood. Splinters are not for everyone
(ouch). Bollox. I call them Lumberjackoffs.
The Bellevue Saints
Today I was riding through Berlin for
several hours on S and U bahns doing my weekly photo job for a tour
company. Every Friday morning between the hours of 10 and 11 in the
Ay Em, The Saints get on the S7 at the Bellevue Station stop. You
will know them by the trail of dead lyrics. A band of gypsies with a
beatbox on a hand cart and 3 guys playing trumpet, saxophone and
accordion launch into the worst version of When The Saints Go
Marching In you will ever hear.
Gah Martian inn,
Aaaaaaaah win da sints
gaa Martian inn,
Uuhhhh wah wan
Beeeee end dat numm-zah
Win da sints gaaaaah Martian inn!
Evvy botty nah!"
Then they clap and dance and shake
their fucking cups in your fucking face. JAY zus. In over one year
of seeing the same fuckers doing the same fucking song on the same
fucking S7, not one coin goes into the cup (nor do they learn the
lyrics). People stare forward in apathy, even when the gnarly McD's
soda cup is shaken so vigorously under numb chins that soda crust and
tobacco lint fly with the coins. And they do not. Change. The tune.
They play exactly one verse, badly, then get off at Tiergarten
Station. When they venture too far from Bellevue, their halos begin
to tarnish. The trains run back and forth. The broken record spins,
hiccups, repeats, repeats, repeats...
If that ain't dedication I don't know
what is.
Dueling Douchebags
In the crux of the tunnels
under the Berlin streets the accordions squeeze filth through their
flapholes. With the unholy mantra of the Bellevue Saints still
echoing through my early morning brainfog, a new earworm wiggles
through my auditory canals. Yes, you guessed it: Dunkin' Berliner
hates accordions. Not because the accordion isn't a real instrument,
not because they are only played by drunken gypsy polka rejects in
the dark tunnels of Europe—but because they are simply the most
cheesy instrument on the planet. Even the shitty plastic recorders
played by first graders high on Cap'n Crunch don't hold a candle to
this shit. In the dark annals of history, someone glued a tiny piano
keyboard to a fucking bellows, handed it to a gypsy and said 'Go
forth!' (read: get the fuck out of town!).
Two accordion players plied
their sleazy/cheesy trade. What is worse than an accordion? Two.
One played 'rhythm' MEHHH...muh....MEHHHH...muh while the other
lounge lizard's greasy fingers were slip-sliding away over yellow
plastic keys. Sweaty armpits pumped away. I wanted them to stop,
face each other, and give challenge. Yes, I wanted them to stop
torturing commuters with dungeon dreck and start the duel. Like the
scene in Deliverance with the guitar, the banjo and the Tard. I
believe that when two hideous, backwoods instruments come together,
they must duel. Dueling douchebags on accordions. Now THAT's
entertainment. Maybe next year they'll even rise from the bowels of
the U bahn, ride high over the city on S rails and topple The
Bellevue Saints.
Building A Shorter America
Dunkin' Berliner
Observation: Amis are getting shorter by the year. Each season when
a new gaggle of Ami chicks pours out of the planes, trains and
automobiles, I notice the shortness. The voices are still loud, and
the ubiquitous LIKE has been newly adorned with UM and RIGHT? But
they are losing an inch every year; the batch I saw today must have
been around 5 feet 4. Last year they were 5 feet 5, the previous
years 5 feet 7—you get the idea. So how is America breeding
smaller people? Science (that fickle shit) tells us that tallness is
a sign of a country with a high standard of living, and that the
Nordic types are the tallest. So what happened to the standard of
living in the U.S.A? Where are the Amazons? Sure, a lot of
short-assed Mediterranean types dumped their genetic ooze into the
American genepool, but there just aren't enough of them to shorten
the entire population. Maybe it's the diet. I blame the kale.
Wild, Drunken German Yoots
One thing hasn't changed in
all the time I've lived in Berlin: drunken teens on public
transport. Passing through Hauptbahnhof today, a group of them were
so loud in their drunken shouts, hoots and sieg heil—uh... hoorahs,
that the entire train could hear them through closed windows. I'm
guessing that they had just graduated high school and were letting
off a bit of steam. There's where I envy the Europeans: a dozen
boys barely old enough to shave board the S-bahn, drop a case of beer
on the ground and begin the festivities. In the States the cops
would be legally authorized to call in SWAT and hose 'em all down.
One of the yoots is a boy of about 5 feet tall, whith a curly green
mop on his head (maybe he's just finished a breeding tour in the
U.S.). He hooks up a little amplifier to his phone, the beat rages,
and the whole group joins in drunken falsetto: EVERYBODY DANCE NOW!
And they do, as jiggy as their wobbly legs will allow. Green moptop
looks a bit green in the face as well, and slumps back into his seat
until the next chorus of EVERYBODY DANCE NOW strikes up.
How will I find such
entertainment in one day anywhere else? Where will I go next? Stay
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Happy Happy. Joy Joy.

I’m happy to live in Berlin. Sure, I rant and rave about gentrification and rising rents on my various Blogs, but I am still proud to be living in a city in the midst of change. Yeah, the old hole-in-the-wall joint I used to eat/drink in has become a yuppie hellhole of yoga and whatnot. But there are other holes in other walls. Later they will become assimilated by the Yogaborg, but at least I WAS THERE. BEFORE.
Sadly, this is also the hipster mantra: ‘Um, like, I did
this stupid ironic thing that I’m doing, like, WAY before it was, like, cool.’
As much as I hate hipsters and yuppies, I do realize that
whenever an area in any given city is cheap enough, cool enough, and available
enough—it is doomed. So I might as well
enjoy it while it lasts. I am REALLY
surprised that I have lived here this long.
Every year I take inventory of my meager accomplishments. Every year I get
drunk and proclaim to all my (few) friends that This is the Last Year I Will
Live in This Yuppie Shithole. Then we
all have a laugh and we all have a drink.
I am STILL amazed and the breadth and depth of my hypocrisy.
Still I am here.
Still, like a beat-down, son-of-a-middle-class-bitch, I rise.
Saturday, February 21, 2015
The Overpriced Organic Grapes of Wrath
Food seems to be a big concern in rich countries
recently. Not that they’ve run out, not
that they’ve sent it all to the starving African chilluns out of white guilt,
but the worry is that They are putting Shit into The Food. And We all know who They are: Monsanto. Apparently, our very digestion is at
stake. If We eat food grown from seeds
by Them, We are unwittingly condemning ourselves to bowel cancer on an
apocalyptic scale. You see, apparently, They
fuck with The Food.
I’m no stranger to food scares. Back when I was a starving student (O how I
miss those days and so does my waistline) studying in London
(I spent all my dough on the flight; hunger followed), I found a way to eat for
free from time to time: Hare. Fuckin. Krishna. In the midst of the infamous SoHo
red light district in London lies a
Hare Krishna temple-slash-vegetarian restaurant-slash-your-hair-into-a-baldy-pony-tail. I dragged my hungry ass there to sit and
listen to their Krishna chanting and the rumbling
bellies of others for an hour or so until they would feed us. I was happy with this arrangement as I was a
vegetarian at that time. Nobody tried to
convert me or cut my hair. But I believe
I caught a few of them looking at my long, flowing, hippie student pony tail
with lust.
Then I took some friends there. Then some bastard said to me: ‘You know They
fuck with The Food.’
‘Waddaya mean, Bugsy?’ I says to the mook.
‘They put Salt Peter in the Krishna
‘What the fuck, Chuck?’
‘Salt Peter makes yer wanger go all doughy like, see?’
At the time I was more concerned with my empty stomach than my
salty peter, so I threw that particular conspiracy theorist on the woodpile
with the rest of them who dared to disparage the starving student vegetarian
Back to The Now. Now people say that They are fucking with
the global food supply. I have to take
issue. My food supply is constant and
unrelenting. I have the 300 lbs to prove
‘The Evil Monsanto is doing evil things to poor little
plants and making them into Frankenplants!
Genetic modification, boooooo!’
Like what?
‘Fish DNA in tomatoes and
shit like that! Mllleeegggghfffft!’
I don’t eat tomatoes.
‘But THEY. Shouldn’t
PUT. SHIT. In our FOOD!’
They pump all sorts of hormones in milk and beef and the
women are milky and the men are beefy.
What’s your problem now?
Ok, now I’m starting to get it. You’re one of those silly little vegan fucks,
aren’t you? Well, good luck with the
micro-organic diet. I’m going to get a
STEAK AND GUINNESS PIE and wash it down with
enjoy your puke green wheatgrass tea and raw cabbage with the other sad little
fuckers in the corner over there. Take a
sad selfie while you’re at it. Then post
it on a Change the World website. Silly
Rabbit. Don’t you know? If we suddenly
stop eating meat, all those cows and pigs will wander into traffic and be
killed. And here you say you care for
Yes, I get it. You’re
worried about genetically modified foods, though your reasoning is about as
sound as any twitching, undernourished hippie’s could possibly be. The problem is with uber-Capitalism. The bigger the farm companies, the more
profits they need to make (rather than just food), so the more they need to
tweak things to produce larger crop yields and larger profits. They’re not spending millions on genetic
plant research just to fuck with some uppity vegans (as entertaining as that
may sound). They are ‘probably’ (don’t
really know and don’t really care) just trying to build a better tomato, one
which is resistant to pests and maybe even allows the use of less pesticide. Or it doubles the output and profits. If you don’t like this idea, you could always
grow your own veggies in a community plot outside of a squat in Berlin. You won’t even need salad dressing; all of
the puke, piss and vinegar from the punks will coat your sprouts for ya—in both
chunky ranch and balsamic.
The Overpriced Organic Grapes of Wrath

When you walk into one of those organic / bio food shops,
you’ll notice the price of this particular religion is quite steep. Who in the
flying FUCK can afford these prices?
Maybe the twitchy little vegans in the corner taking selfies aren’t
skinny from the vegan diet—they just can’t afford the fucking thing. Have you seen the prices? It is a huge scam. The label says ‘bio’ or ‘organic’ so it costs
double. Why? Because the lack of pesticide use cuts the
crop in half, thus doubling the price?
No. Because the whole organic
thang is trendy, followed by trustafians, yuppies and other vapid individuals
who like to think that paying more for something is better. How do you know it’s organic? Because it says so on the label? Damn, there really is a sucker born every
minute. Any fool with a computer and a
printer can make a label. There is no way
to certify if something is truly pesticide free and organically grown as they
say. The government does not get
involved in verifying marketing claims—they only occasionally check the rat
turd levels in the sausages (which are tasty, by the way; that rich, smoky
flavor makes EVERYTHING tasty).
So the big trend is to slap a BIO
label on something and charge double.
And the suckers suck it down like tequila-swilling Tijuana
whores. Hell, it wouldn’t be so funny
if it wasn’t so goddamned stupid. I’ve even
seen a kiosk in P’berg selling (ahem) ‘Bio Currywurst.’
So apparently, vegans aren’t the only fools
falling for this BIO bollox.
Friday, January 9, 2015
Nostalgia Ain’t What It Used To Be
The other day I took a stroll down memory lane. Don’t ever do that, I’m telling you.
The familiar old neighborhood of Prenzlauer Berg was home to
me and my lovely wife for 5 years before we were banished to the Berlin
hinterlands. I only mention that my wife
is lovely so you will feel sorry for us when I tell you how we got railroaded
right on out of there by the gentrification scumlords. If it were just grumpy old moi, myself
und ich (or me and an ugly wife) who
lost a place to live, you might just think ‘GOOD! Get rid of the grumpy old
ugly fucks and let the new Rich but Sexy Berliners move in!’ As one does.
I initially went down to my old Helmholz kiez
(Danziger-Duncker-Prenzlauer Allee) to pick up some second hand lights for
sale. A nice, waiflike couple was
sitting in their empty commercial space waiting to sell me their old lights so
they could embark upon their new voyage of their new image in their new
commercial space. I still don’t know
what in the flying fuck they were selling. There was a counter, a mini espresso
machine and some dishes. And a cat. Their
website is just as mysterious. Apparently that’s all you need in Berlin
if you are a Trustafarian. The lights weren’t as advertised and I couldn’t use
them. So I thanked them for wasting my
time (I did it in a very smooth way, I’m telling you. The couple looked fragile and earnest, and
this combo can still the harshest of tongues. Even mine.) Off I went.
I passed the closed Café Lyrik and remembered the spell cast
by the Witch. Free ‘music’ (using the
term loosely) with overpriced drinks and a performance sounding something like a
steel kitty in a blender (complete with metallic screams and feverish, glass
scratching death knells), followed by a donation cup shaken so vigorously in
our faces that everybody had to stop drinking and stare to see how much we WERE
NOT putting in. Apparently 15 EUR was
NOT enough for the avant garde scheisse we were watching. The Witch told me so. And the Deutschbag at the next table scoffed
out loud when I refused to give more. I
won’t say don’t go there. If you are NOT
a brain dead, self important Trustafarian with delusions of grandeur, you
probably already have the good sense not to (Dunkin’ Berliner flash mob idea:
everybody cram into that tiny ‘art/music’ space, don’t order a damn thing and
then dump a sock full of pennies into the collection plate. Smack those bitches up).
I continued my walk down memory lane (aka Danziger strasse)
and passed the empty windows of the Fuss-feti-fisch. This is a place where you can stick your feet
in a fish tank and have swarms of little fish eat the barnacles and toe jam
right off your sunken feet. There are aquariums in the windows full of feet
sucking fish, lights and signs and benches with towels, but that place is NEVER
open. Meaning: MAFIA MUTHA FUCKAZ. Don’t go there either. Hell, if you need your toe jam eaten, let me
know. I know poor artists who will eat your
toes out on a stage for loose change, I’m tellin’ ya.
No trip down Memory Lane
is complete without a visit to your old flat, the place you used to call home,
the place where some yuppie fucks are now living. Gentrification is a BITCH. I wanted to see the type of quality human
beings who could possibly replace my loser ass, who could possibly be a better
tenant than me, who in the HELL would want to pay more than 600 EUR for a studio
apartment. It couldn't be yuppies; they only live in large lofts, not studio apartments. This I already knew. But I tend to read ahead in the script, so it was
no surprise that the new tenant was just a number: my old
buzzer simply read ‘60’. In fact, most
of the flats in our old building were now part of the growing scourge of holiday rentals in desirable hoods. They weren’t even hiding it. A large
banner now hangs above Dunckerstrasse 90A and proudly proclaims BERLINER LEBEN HOLIDAY
RENTALS. Nine of the 12 flats in our
building were already owned by Das Leben when we moved in. When we lived there,
I do recall an ungodly amount of suitcases thumping up and down the stairs and
late night screams in Mediterranean languages.
We were happy to endure it as proud members of the multi-kulti Berlin
life (aka Berliner Leben). But we were forced out. When our contract was ready to be renewed,
they refused us (after paying rent on time every month for a year), saying in
writing “It is a free market. We can
rent to whomever we choose.” Harsh words from harsh cunts. Why have regular
tenants at a fixed rate when you can kick them out and charge 70 EUR per night
as a holiday rental? There is now only
one of our original neighbors left in our building: Riewoldt (pronounced ‘revolt’). As I recall, the door to his flat had been
kicked in a few times and there were blatant splinter/spackle/patch jobs done
on the door. Fight da powah, Herr
There is a growing resistance to these types of predatory
rental investors (scumlords, et al) and laws are being drafted as I write this.
As I was doing my due diligence
(Googling), I discovered a fact that would be shocking if I were able to be
shocked at this point. The busy-bodied
little man who dogged us the entire time we lived at Dunckerstr. 90A (saying he
was the hausmeister) was in fact the
very agent provocateur behind the Berliner Leben tenant ousting: Marcus
Buthmann (whom we called Buttman) was talking seven shades of scheisse to the
press about his proud holiday rentals.
That’s right: the same Buttman who helped us out the door; the exact
same cocksucker. And that’s not libel—the
man does indeed suck cock.
In a city that changes as much, as often and as constantly
as Berlin, nobody seems to notice
that a very large rug is being pulled out from under our feet. Sure, sluggish student paralegal interns are
rising from their hangovers to wave the flag.
Too little, too late. The
scumlords are winning.
I crossed the street with the mixed emotions of knowing I
was right and being powerless to do a damn thing about being wronged. Skinny
old American fucks in suits talked on phones in lofty voices while a German
teenager in hip hop attire trudged by in high swagger mode, oozing anger in his
neo-yuppie hell. Even the small
courtyard recreation area across the street from my old digs was being torn
up. The ruins of the ping pong tables we
used to play upon were lying on the ground beneath the plows of the machine. CAT
operators smoked and laughed in the midst of the mayhem.
I switched to high swagger mode and trudged past the usual
sushi bars, trendy cafes and yoga holes of Yuppie Central. Even my old hole-in-the-wall kebab joint had
been renovated and neon-ensconced. Dunkin’ Berliner truth: the smaller and grungier
the hole in the wall, the better the food.
The bigger the space, the more neon cacti, the more bland the food, the more yuppie it is.
Period. This area used to be commie, punk rock, artist, drifter, and
dreamer. Now it is just another
non-threatening place for yuppies and breeders to take root and grow money
trees. Because that’s what
gentrification is all about: rip out the old, plant the new, harvest the money
crop. We who choose to live our lives in pursuit of something other than money
are not worthy of living in a cool neighborhood. We don’t stand a chance. Because we have
neither money nor power; nor do we want anything to do with any of that shit. So They win. Again. Always.
Maybe one day, one of us will snap. Necks.
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